Wednesday, August 14, 2013

End of Season 3!

No movie reviews on August, September and on October, were taking a three month break. I'll be back on November with new movie reviews and new movie trailers. But bad news, I'm not going to do anymore web casting. I'm going to post new reviews out on theaters and on dvd every week. I am busy writing a new book on Bobby Cinema's Movie reviews of all the movies that will be out every week through November-April. It will be a six month movie reviews in my book and so I can show the world what movies that I recommend to watch in theaters and on DVD. With my recommendation, you will have a great time and enjoy the movie when you watch it. So my book will be out pretty soon, I won't doing any more web casting, I will be writing my movie review book every week starting November. I will let you know when my book will be published, look me up on Bobby Cinema in November, this is Bobby Cinema and now get the hell out of my theater.